Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Life is about accepting change

Life is strange: sure, it can be.
Life is beautiful: yes it is, infinitely.
Life is grand: well, yeah, sometimes.
Life is precious: it is, but, er, let's not engage in a right-to-life debate here, m'kay?
Life is fucked: now that resonates with me.

My life is currently hanging around like a delinquent teenager on the life is fucked side of the street. Anger, sadness, fear of change and regret currently exceed the effective carrying capacity of my top paddock. Luckily, there is also a whole lot of love in my life, I am loved and I'm in love. I've a lot I am grateful for, two fantastic kids, wonderful family and great friends. I know that I will get through this hard time, because I know I am working toward a future where I take charge of my own destiny, and that, will fucking rock.


With your help, I'm hauling that delinquent teenager's arse back to the sunny side of the street. My thanks forever to you.


Blogger Belongum said...

Change sucks!

Or so I'm told C... good to have you 'back'... that's a change I personally like mate... lol

I actually love it when change is thrust upon me - there's somerhing inside of me that loves the challenge, and I simply (for the most part) get my head down and get on with the job.

Personal change is a whole different beast altogether though isn't it - and most times I try to treat it the same way I treat any challenge - but it doesn't always work. Having said that (and as trite as this might sound) I'm glad that there's always tomorrow mate.

Don't be to harsh on that there deliquent teenager's arse either C... it grew up after all - and THAT in itself at times, is no mean feat!

Oh to have an arse I say... lol!!!

;-) Welcome back mate!

11:46 PM, November 06, 2006  
Blogger Callisto said...

Dear non-bummed one, thanks for always being there! Certainly, not all change is bad. I am going through a big change right now, and even though some the rammifications of this change are hard to deal with, it is definately a change for the better. Obtuse enough for ya?

11:48 AM, November 07, 2006  
Blogger thesmu said...

definitely! i am of course trying to guess what on earth is going on, but more than that i'm just a bit worried about you.

*many virtual hugs*

1:20 AM, November 08, 2006  
Blogger Callisto said...

MS: Don't worry, I'm fine! I'll put you out of your guessing misery with this word, "splitsville". Thanks for your concern.

8:10 AM, November 08, 2006  
Blogger Belongum said...

Damn C... my brainbox was wondering if that was the case. Bugger! I'd buy ya a beer or three if I could mate... you'll just have to have them without me instead... ;-)

Been wondering what might have been up for a while mate... bugger!

Glad you're still yarning but... cheers C :-)

1:51 AM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been a bit negative of late haven't I? That's stress rather than regret or deep sorrow. And yarning is what I do, should never have stopped. Blah, blah, blah!

8:41 AM, November 10, 2006  
Blogger Belongum said...

USE your 'relief valves' C... better you blow off the pressure then hold onto it I say... this is what they invented pubs, cafes, beaches and the outback for - isn't it?! ;-)

7:39 PM, November 11, 2006  
Blogger thesmu said...

you know - i had kind of guessed that. in fact, i had a suspicion as far back as when you shut blissed down before. it can't be easy. i'm not sure how much good 'vitual friends' are in these situations - but i'm here all the same

6:24 AM, November 15, 2006  
Blogger Callisto said...

B, MS: You guys are great, thank you both so much.


11:00 PM, November 16, 2006  

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