Monday, March 26, 2007

Annoyed (but not overly so)

    That when a friend’s husband found out about my separation, he said, “What is wrong with women these days?”

    That I have now watched two entire episodes of Gray’s Anatomy.

    That super-league fucked up rugby league forever.

    That my mother waits for me to call these days, because I have voIP, and she gets shitty because I don’t call enough.

    That no matter how many sit-ups I do, every-fucking-day...I still have a mummy tummy.

    That I may well watch more of McMoronic McDoctors, and find myself wishing that there were more McHotties in the show.

    That I actually stooped to write the 'words' McMoronic, McDoctor and McHotties.



Blogger richmanwisco said...

rugby union is the place to be

mummy tummy?....take it from a milf watcher....only a minor deduction at's a positive sign of experience ;)

10:56 PM, March 26, 2007  
Blogger Callisto said...

The Milf Watcher, sounds like a great title for the next Grisham novel, don't you agree?

And I know exactly what you mean by experience you naughty, naughty man.

And, sure, union is the place to be, especially if you like some semblance of intelligence in your average player.

6:48 AM, March 27, 2007  
Blogger Melancholy Trollop said...

My choice of "Doctor" shows is "Scrubs". Lord help me but I LOVE that show.

10:09 AM, March 27, 2007  
Blogger Callisto said...

I would watch "Scrubs" but it is on way past my bed-time.

10:18 AM, March 27, 2007  
Blogger richmanwisco said...

i forgot to mention my brief rugby union career, so there was a bias there, fwiw...

1:54 PM, March 27, 2007  
Blogger Rich | Championable said...

I always tell my beloved that she has about five years to go before she's REALLY hot. That'll put her at 45. She never, ever thinks I'm serious...

...but I totally am.

8:25 PM, March 27, 2007  
Blogger Belongum said...

Mummy tummy... lol - I like the image that puts inside my brainbox. The XO would be right alongside of you there!

She's also an avid fan of Grey's Anatomy. I wish I could slap that Grey woman - fair upside the head! She fair gives me the right McIrrits!

Hey - you could be an Aussie insert on the show - you've got the McLanguage down pat already!

Ok... I'll go outside and give MYSELF a McForehead slap for that one C... I reckon a deserve it!!!

And - by the way - so does that tosser who said that first comment - what a bloody drongo mate! Cos everyone knows it's only the women who stuff it up right?!


Cheers mate ;-)

12:24 PM, March 28, 2007  
Blogger Callisto said...

AAMOF Rich, I was an avid fan whilst at uni (no, I was not a special friend of the team), but the novelty of drinking and belting out Sunshine Mountain with the lads after a game wore off, eventually ;)

Rich, Maggie is the luckiest babe in NY.

B, Go the XO and me! Mummy tummies are the new must have. And as far as Grey's goes, I didn't even pay enough attention to know that it is Grey's not Gray''s McDreamy's eyes that did it to me.

And yes, it was a stupid thing to say. In delving deeper, I found out he (let's call him P) thinks that women give up on marriage too easily these days...because they end up with the lion's share of the spoils, because we are too soft/spoilt to put up with those little problems that arise in all relationships.

I look at my settlement arrangements, and I think about all those "little" problems that plagued my 11 years with G and say to P, "You are a fucking pratt!"

2:35 PM, March 28, 2007  
Blogger thesmu said...

it's just cos they got so used to the ladies putting up with EVERYTHING, now it's a surprise when we don't...

9:34 AM, April 04, 2007  
Blogger Callisto said...

Yes, that is a good point. I know a fair bit about this man's background. His parents are catholic, and they hate each other, but d-i-v-o-r-c-e (with a Tammy Wynette twang) was never any option for his mother.

So, in summary:
religion + society + a thick skull -> "What is wrong with women these days?" comment.

7:55 PM, April 04, 2007  

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