Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lingual Disillusionment

I'm a really articulate intrapersonal communicator, you should see just how lurid lucid my dreams are. So why does it all go down the drain when I try to get it out of the chookpen (it's so full of shit) that is my left hemisphere? Words flap and squawk like bantams as I clutch at them, trying not to ruffle their feathers, and process them out to the big wide world. Or sometimes the words don't flap or squawk, they just sit there, staring vacantly and twitching slightly, like the Rhode Island Reds I learned to hypnotise in year 9 agriculture (fuck that was funny). Either way, those words can be troublesome livestock. As with the hypnotised chicken, sometimes the words come around, and then flow freely from that side of my brain. Often, when that happens, I catch myself looking around the room for the source of those substantial, well-voiced thoughts.

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Blogger Rich | Championable said...

1) Sometimes I wonder if there's more than one person writing your blog. But I guess that's sort of your point.

2) Lurid and Lucid are not mutually exclusive, right?

3) "Hypnotized chickens are funny." Man, you rock.

4:35 AM, April 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to hypnotise a chicken once. Came off worst. Sat there for three days before someone rescued me.

And for months afterwards, every time I crossed a road, I could hear faint, squawking laughter on the wind.

6:59 AM, April 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

am i the only person to find overnight's comment more than a little chilling?

9:21 AM, April 16, 2007  
Blogger Callisto said...

1. there is more than one person writing this blog, me, myself and I. We are all a bit nutty, at times.
2. Lurid lucidity, oh baby!
3. And they are, so very.

Overnight: You quite obviously tried to hypnotise a Sumatran, the most pugnacious and vindictive of all chickens. Lesson learned: never attempt a chicken hypnotism on your own.

MS: No, it is not just you, Overnight's tale brings us a timely reminder that we should never under-estimate the power of the chook...think the "The Birds".

10:25 AM, April 16, 2007  
Blogger richmanwisco said... animal imagery

somewhere out there, a cow just lifted its tail

don't ask me what that means, i was wondering how your chickens would react

1:45 PM, April 16, 2007  
Blogger Callisto said...

If a cow farts in the paddock, does anybody hear? Yes, the chickens do, and the chickens are very concerned about what all that methane is doing to the planet. The chickens are watching.

2:58 PM, April 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a tiny dark story, written for Callisto. Hope you enjoyed it.

10:36 AM, April 17, 2007  
Blogger Callisto said...

Oh, I enjoyed it, Overnight. It sent chills up and down my, wait, that was the ice cube.

Note to all, go check out The Overnight Editor, it's well worth the click.

12:09 PM, April 17, 2007  
Blogger Melancholy Trollop said...

Words can be Troublesome Livestock!!! I love the metaphor or simile or whatever!!!

3:21 PM, April 18, 2007  
Blogger Callisto said...

Glad it works for you MT!!!

9:46 PM, April 19, 2007  

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