Friday, May 25, 2007

Just a feeling

Sure, my neighbour is very nice when we run into each other. Sure, he asks all the right questions about the kids, and he talks to them like they are little people not simpletons. Sure, he may be a cool old surfer-dude, and love the beach as much as me. Sure, he may have kindly offered me the use of his phone when I locked myself out of my flat. Sure, his house is lovely, and beautifully maintained by his much younger, not-from-here-originally wife. Sure, he may have turned heads when he was a young man.
But, if he turned up on the news tonight, having sliced and diced his wife, I just might not be surprised.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! That made me shudder. Stop it!

8:03 PM, May 26, 2007  
Blogger Clarissa said...

Same as JL. Wow!

11:52 PM, May 26, 2007  
Blogger Rich | Championable said...

I'm trying to decide if I feel that way about MOST people.

5:29 AM, May 27, 2007  
Blogger Belongum said...

I'm right up there with Rich I think... sometimes I wonder if this is a good thing.

Ooooh errrrr!!!


11:49 AM, June 07, 2007  

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