Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Life is about accepting change

Life is strange: sure, it can be.
Life is beautiful: yes it is, infinitely.
Life is grand: well, yeah, sometimes.
Life is precious: it is, but, er, let's not engage in a right-to-life debate here, m'kay?
Life is fucked: now that resonates with me.

My life is currently hanging around like a delinquent teenager on the life is fucked side of the street. Anger, sadness, fear of change and regret currently exceed the effective carrying capacity of my top paddock. Luckily, there is also a whole lot of love in my life, I am loved and I'm in love. I've a lot I am grateful for, two fantastic kids, wonderful family and great friends. I know that I will get through this hard time, because I know I am working toward a future where I take charge of my own destiny, and that, will fucking rock.


With your help, I'm hauling that delinquent teenager's arse back to the sunny side of the street. My thanks forever to you.